Family Law Mediations
Mediation is the process of negotiation between two or more parties to resolve a dispute without the delays and expense of litigation. Mediation allows you to take control of your own issues and to participate in designing workable outcomes in a neutral setting. By mediating your dispute, you have the benefit of determining your own outcome, rather than having your outcome determining for you by a judge or jury.
- Mediations are less formal in nature.
- Mediations are more expedient.
- Mediations are usually more cost effective than proceeding to trial.
- Mediations allow the parties to engage in a valuable reality-check.
- Mediations are confidential and voluntary.
- The process is non-adversarial.
- The mediation process is more likely to preserve the relationship between the parties.
- Since the parties are in control of the process, mediation often renders more favorable results to both parties.
Because we understand the personal and financial impact a legal problem has on individuals, the Law Offices of Astrid M. Bismarck, welcomes the opportunity to help you resolve your family law conflicts whenever possible and we are available to mediate family law related disputes for you.
Call us at (305) 444-5554 or fill the form in the contact page to schedule a consultation.